Tuesday, February 7, 2012

1 comment:

joann said...

Kia Ora Sandy,

You are very privelded to have learnt the value of your mother tongue at a young age, and in turn to grow and go to school in a country where the language is seen as something to foster and share with youth.
Unfortunately Maori is not seen as a compulsary topic in New Zealnad, with languages such as spanish , french and Chinesse seen to be of more value - thus being offered as options in most schools.

Fortunately though through movements such as Kohanga Reo, and through the Maori Language commission, the Msori language has been fostered (if only by a few) and shared with some of the younger genmeration.

In my personal case, I grew up in Rotorua- and very few People other than the very old spoke Maori- even on the Marae. My grandfather who was a proud Maori never spoke to us in Maori as he was strapped for using his own language at school.
It is only in recent years that this has changed and educational facilities have begun to utilise and value the Maori language.

Thanks you for acknowledging that you too value the language and heritage of New Zealand.

Kia Ora